Friday, March 23, 2007

Jim Watkin on Drugs

Jim Watkin, with Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, talks about why the war on drugs needs to end on CKLW AM 800 (you can listen to it here, courtesy of Blue Blogging Soapbox).

He will be speaking at the Windsor Liberty Seminar this Saturday (later today).

Take a listen to the interview, and come out to the Seminar to talk to him in person.

(x-posted to Institute for Liberal Studies)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Coyne is dead-on when it comes to the Budget

Having read Andrew Coyne's most recent article, I've become convinced. The Canadian Tories are taking a page out of the George W. Bush school of conservatism. To get elected (which is all that matters), make sure to spend more money than any other party, uhm, ever.

In the history of Canadian politics, no federal government has promised to spend as much as this batch. In the history of American politics, no federal government has spent more than Bush II.

The trick is not to change what you spend the money on, or changing this downwards--the trick is all in the focus. Bush (I'm tempted to say "the dumber" but I'll stick with "the second") and Harper both are spending gobs of money on all the things the Democrats and Liberals would like. But they don't really talk about that, except to say, "see? are you finally happy now? We're doing what you want! Of course we're not doing it gladly, I mean, we're conservative. It's just that, you know, it's all real politik over here, and, well, we're doing this to prove a point, you see: you liberals are just never satisfied, are you?"

The issue then becomes whether or not liberals are ever satisfied, and not how many boatloads of dollar bills get sent out the door. Really, though: who cares about what would satisfy liberals? Who cares whether or not spending more or less will make them happy? What matters, if we are to judge the sincerity and motivation of the government, is whether or not it sticks to whatever it is it claims to most care about. Judging by this standard, both the Tories and the GOP are giant failures.

A second change in focus is in what you talk about when it comes to what you have spent. The Republicans and Tories can talk about tax cuts, military missions, soldiers, family, fighting the stupid war on drugs, and police. It doesn't matter if they are spending the same, less, or more than non-conservative governments. It's all in how much you talk about it, not how much you spend on it. Shine a light on these things. The Democrats and Liberals (and NDP) can talk about social assistance, the working poor, unionized labour, and social programs. It makes no difference whether or not their conservative counterparts spent more on each of these things. What matters is in how much they talk about it.

I guess you can tell I'm pretty miffed about the Budget. It's shit.

If both parties get sent out on their ass in the next election, I won't shed a tear. Maybe then we'll get a smaller government.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Windsor Liberty Seminar

The Windsor Liberty Seminar will be held on Saturday, March 24th this year. I attended last year's Seminar, and thought it was one of the most memorable events of the year. This year's Seminar is shaping up to be equally awesome.

Thus far, speakers include:
The Fraser Institute's Brett Skinner will give a talk entitled "Liberty and Individualism Can Save Canadian Healthcare."

Malkin Dare from the Society for Quality Education will give a talk on school choice.
And Jim Watkin of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition who will talk about whether or not the war on drugs is a good policy (it's not).

On top of all of this, Lindy will be giving a concert in Windsor that same night! For those of you that have been to the Liberty Summer Seminar, you'll know that Lindy is amazing. Follow the link and listen to his most recent album (click "Look/Listen"). I mean it: Lindy is incredible.

The WLS is one of two annual seminars hosted by the newly-formed Institute for Liberal Studies. The other is the Liberty Summer Seminar, which I host in Orono, Ontario, and which will probably fall on the first weekend in August (or thereabouts).

Follow this link and click on "register" (scroll down a bit, and, just above the pictures, you'll see "Agenda - Speakers - Register"). I'll be there. You should be there too.

Friday, March 02, 2007

PETA is terrible

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has this advertisement in support of vegetarianism. Does anyone else think that a hyper-lefty organization like PETA shouldn't be using beer ad tactics to push their message? Shouldn't they "know" better?

(H/T Ruess)