Sunday, August 28, 2005

Take my home

National Public Radio has an interesting piece on the Lost Liberty Hotel, a story I wrote about for the Western Standard. You can read that story, entitled Check your Property Rights at the door, to get a good sense of what that project is about. Then you can get some t-shirts (H/t Jamie T. for the link). Here's how my story starts:

How many of you would want to spend the night at a place called the Lost Liberty Hotel? With a name like that, you'd think the accommodations might be a bit, well, restrictive. But Logan Darrow Clements, the man behind the plan to build the Lost Liberty, insists the hotel will be a big tourist draw--as a monument to the loss of property rights in America.

Once it's built, that is. Before that can happen, Clements will have to get the town of Weare, N.H., to expropriate the house that sits on his planned location--34 Cilley Hill Road, the home of U.S. Supreme Court Justice David Souter. That shouldn't be too hard, thanks to a little help from Souter himself. On June 23, he was one of five judges who ruled in a landmark decision that destroyed the constitutional guarantee of property rights. Now, if Clements demonstrates that Weare is better off with a hotel at 34 Cilley Hill than a house, there's no longer anything stopping them from tossing Souter out. And with plans for amenities, such as the Just Desserts Café and a museum dedicated to the loss of liberty in America, how could they resist.


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