Sunday, February 06, 2005

Missed opportunity

So I'm reading the Adam Smith Institute's blog (maintained by my friend Alex Singleton), when what do I see but a photo of Elaine Sternberg and Antony Flew at the Ayn Rand seminar. The same seminar that I attended (on the eve of Rand's centenary, which was on 2 February). Antony Flew was there. Antony Flew! Obviously, I had no idea, since they don't often publish vanity shots of philosophers on their papers or books.

Alas. I could have asked Flew myself about the recent controversy in atheist circles--some say Flew has reconsidered his firm atheist stance to a general belief in God (well, sort of), but definitely not the God of Christianity or Islam. That one, he still maintains, doesn't exist. It made theists happy.


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